Guidelines for Section VIII Sponsorship Applications 2024

The International College of Dentists (ICD) AU, NZ, South Pacific Section wishes to encourage, support and promote events that bring leaders and/or future leaders in oral health together, to advance oral health in the ICD Section VIII region. 

All requests for financial support are considered annually at the September Section VIII Board meeting. Applications must be submitted by 31 July 2024 to be considered at the Board meeting.


  • The event will be held in Australia, New Zealand, a South Pacific nation, Papua New Guinea or Timor Leste

  • The event supports the values and goals of Section VIII of ICD of supporting programs that improve oral health in underserved areas in our region; fostering collegial collaboration within the dental profession; recognising leadership within the dental profession; engaging with and supporting leaders and future leaders within the dental profession in our region; upholding high ethical professional standards

  • The event has the support and involvement of local dental professionals and appropriate local organisations

  • There is a budget and accounting process for the event, and this is clearly describedThe project has the support or involvement of at least one ICD Section VIII Fellow


  1. Funding will be provided to a maximum of $5000 AUD and is to be used for the specific purpose for which the sponsorship is given unless otherwise varied in writing by mutual agreement with ICD Section VIII.

  2. The International College of Dentists has no responsibility to provide insurance for the event and is indemnified in respect of any claim made by an individual or organisation involved in the event.

  3. The sponsorship recipient will provide an article/report, with photographs where applicable, as requested by the Editor of the Section VIII newsletter during the period covered by the ICD funding.

  4. The sponsorship recipient will provide the Section VIII Editor with links to any social media postings about the event and gives permission for the links to be included in Section VIII newsletters and on the Section VIII Facebook page.

  5. Speakers at the event will acknowledge ICD support in presentations given and articles written about the event during the period covered by ICD sponsorship.

  6. ICD sponsorship will be included in all promotional materials for the event.

  7. Where “sole sponsorship” by ICD is agreed, no other parties will be offered sponsorship of the event.


Use a descriptive title where possible.

What amount of funding is requested of ICD?

(in AUD)






A budget template is available on the Section VIII website ( CLICK HERE) or from the
Section VIII Administrative Officer at Use of the template is optional.

To digitally sign this form, use your mouse on your computer, or fingers/stylus on your phone or tablet.

Applications for 2024 ICD sponsorship closes on 31 July 2024.